Longclaws – Gemstones of the Grassland

Within the genus of Macronyx, which is closely associated to the Pipits and Wagtails, the seven species are only found in Africa, with the sub-region host to three strikingly colourful members of the suite. Foremost, and the most frequently encountered, is the Cape or...

Southern Bald Ibis

Of the four species of Ibis found in Southern Africa, the most sought after of endemic sighting worth is the Southern Bald Ibis or ‘Wild Turkey’ as it affectionally referred to, usually found foraging on high altitude grasslands and recently burned veld, ploughed or...

African Rail- often heard but seldom seen …..

No one quite knows the full extent of the African Rail’s distribution in Southern Africa. Certainly, we know it favours dense habitat and reedbeds associated with perennial and semi-perennial wetlands and marshes with a distribution preference for the wetter east of...

Lazy Cisticola – a conundrum of a Cisticola

Lover of shrub dotted rocky hill slopes in the higher rainfall areas to the east of South Africa, this relatively shy and, outside of the breeding season, vocally subdued cisticola, is more prinia than classic cisticola in general appearance and inquisitive...