Dusky Lark

A large, dark-faced lark superficially resembling a Groundscraper Thrush, arriving as a migrant from Central Africa in the sub-region as a non-breeding species during the ‘wet’ summer months, with a marked bushveld habitat preference. Usually encountered in in areas...

Longclaws – Gemstones of the Grassland

Within the genus of Macronyx, which is closely associated to the Pipits and Wagtails, the seven species are only found in Africa, with the sub-region host to three strikingly colourful members of the suite. Foremost, and the most frequently encountered, is the Cape or...

Ravens – Corvids of noble note

Ever since hearing as a child that the monarchy of England, and indeed the Tower of London itself, would fall in the event of the resident six ravens leaving, I have been fascinated by ‘raven’ legends and enthralled by the behavioural antics of these highly...