by Avian Leisure | Jul 11, 2024 | Tips & Trivia
This elephant shrew usually presents as a surprise encounter in the riverine thickets along the Limpopo and Luvuvhu rivers in the Pafuri corner of the Kruger Park. These creatures are not rare but are seldom seen as they inhabit dense forests and thickets in Central...
by Avian Leisure | Jul 4, 2024 | Tips & Trivia
A ‘near endemic’ species, classified as a typical ‘bushveld’ lark, with two identifiable forms evident within the sub-region, easily separated by bill size and shape, as well as geographic and habitat preference. Sabota Lark ‘bradfieldi’ Sabota Lark...
by Avian Leisure | Jul 3, 2024 | Tips & Trivia
The African Hawk Eagle is a medium sized raptor often encountered in the woodland, perched conspicuously or circling in pairs in open savanna, throughout the central and western parts of the sub-region. These striking raptors are dashing in flight, often cooperating...
by Avian Leisure | Jul 3, 2024 | Uncategorised
A large, dark-faced lark superficially resembling a Groundscraper Thrush, arriving as a migrant from Central Africa in the sub-region as a non-breeding species during the ‘wet’ summer months, with a marked bushveld habitat preference. Usually encountered in in areas...
by Avian Leisure | Jul 3, 2024 | NEWS, TRIP REPORTS
Similar in general field appearance, two ‘long tailed’ glossy starling species are resident year-round within the Kruger National Park. Meve’s Starling Burchell’s Starling Fortunately, the two starling species are almost geographically exclusive, with...
by Avian Leisure | Apr 1, 2024 | NEWS, Uncategorised
Within the genus of Macronyx, which is closely associated to the Pipits and Wagtails, the seven species are only found in Africa, with the sub-region host to three strikingly colourful members of the suite. Foremost, and the most frequently encountered, is the Cape or...
by Avian Leisure | Dec 27, 2023 | NEWS, TRIP REPORTS
Of the four species of Ibis found in Southern Africa, the most sought after of endemic sighting worth is the Southern Bald Ibis or ‘Wild Turkey’ as it affectionally referred to, usually found foraging on high altitude grasslands and recently burned veld, ploughed or...
by Avian Leisure | Dec 16, 2023 | TRIP REPORTS, Uncategorised
It must be two decades ago that I first visited ‘New Holme Guest Farm’ to enjoy and photograph the wide diversity of birdlife, together with the unique suite of small nocturnal mammals and rodents found within the eco-divide between Karoo scrubland and Highveld...
by Avian Leisure | Oct 12, 2023 | Uncategorised
We live in a world where poor service and mediocrity are becoming increasingly more evident throughout society in general today…So, what a surprise and a relief at the same time, to receive a highly professional response to a repair request under warranty by Zeiss in...
by Avian Leisure | Jul 28, 2023 | Uncategorised
Ever since hearing as a child that the monarchy of England, and indeed the Tower of London itself, would fall in the event of the resident six ravens leaving, I have been fascinated by ‘raven’ legends and enthralled by the behavioural antics of these highly...