Dusky Lark

A large, dark-faced lark superficially resembling a Groundscraper Thrush, arriving as a migrant from Central Africa in the sub-region as a non-breeding species during the ‘wet’ summer months, with a marked bushveld habitat preference. Usually encountered in in areas...

Longclaws – Gemstones of the Grassland

Within the genus of Macronyx, which is closely associated to the Pipits and Wagtails, the seven species are only found in Africa, with the sub-region host to three strikingly colourful members of the suite. Foremost, and the most frequently encountered, is the Cape or...

Southern Bald Ibis

Of the four species of Ibis found in Southern Africa, the most sought after of endemic sighting worth is the Southern Bald Ibis or ‘Wild Turkey’ as it affectionally referred to, usually found foraging on high altitude grasslands and recently burned veld, ploughed or...

Ravens – Corvids of noble note

Ever since hearing as a child that the monarchy of England, and indeed the Tower of London itself, would fall in the event of the resident six ravens leaving, I have been fascinated by ‘raven’ legends and enthralled by the behavioural antics of these highly...