We live in a world where poor service and mediocrity are becoming increasingly more evident throughout society in general today…So, what a surprise and a relief at the same time, to receive a highly professional response to a repair request under warranty by Zeiss in SA and Germany.

Following damage to the optical alignment of a pair of our SF Victory 10×42 binoculars, beyond the technical and service capability of the local Zeiss office, the binoculars were airfreighted to Zeiss in Germany for expert repair due to the technical complexity of the SF Victory ‘flagship’ model.

Throughout the process of several weeks, the local office kept us informed on the status of the repair, culminating in the arrival of not only the binoculars with a repair confirmation and reference number attached, but a detailed overall technical repair and service report, as well as a complimentary nitrogen re-gassing of the optical chambers and re-coating of the exterior weatherproof finish.

ll this at no cost whatsoever, including the air freight charge to and from Germany, accounting for this praiseworthy posting of the backup service commitment by Zeiss on our website as an impartial and sincere brand endorsement.